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艺术在bv伟德ios下载蓬勃发展 在我们的教室里, where students are guided toward excellence in studio 艺术, 音乐, 剧院, 跳舞, 以及平面设计. 在舞台上, where internationally-renowned playwrights and 音乐ians collaborate with students for performances and world premieres. 在我们的画廊, where established and emerging 艺术ists show their work throughout the year. 学生, 家庭, and the community are invited to explore our rich academic and 艺术istic offerings.

动画 minor students in a Stop Motion 动画 class. bv伟德ios下载提供动画辅修课程. Through hands-on experience of studio applications and production-based workflows, students learn the 艺术 of visual storytelling. 另外, they engage with 电影与新媒体理论, exploring the rich history associated with these mediums.

水彩画,2018年,杰斯·希尔菲尔德 C艺术hage offers majors in studio 艺术 and 艺术 education; and minors in studio 艺术, 艺术历史, 摄影, 还有电影和新媒体. H. F. Johnson Gallery of 艺术 at C艺术hage displays work by established and emerging 艺术ists. The gallery also hosts exhibitions receptions that offer students the opportunity to meet and talk with the 艺术ists.

?远离镜子? C艺术hage offers a minor in 跳舞 through the 剧院 Dep艺术ment. 舞蹈演员学习芭蕾舞课程, 爵士乐, 现代舞, 利用, 舞厅, 和普拉提, 还有构图, 舞蹈的历史, 即兴创作, 和剧目.

莎拉麦克甘 works on her video 艺术 in class in fall 2018. The 电影 and new media minor offers students opportunities in studio- and production-based courses, 电影与新媒体理论, 以及相关的历史. The courses provide necessary techniques, 技能, and critical theory to prepare students for an increasingly digital global landscape of media production and critique.

平面设计海报 C艺术hage offers a major and minor in graphic design. Hedberg图书馆 包括现代生产, 编辑, 声音, and broadcasting facilities appropriate for traditional and emerging media.

bv伟德ios下载爱乐乐团 bv伟德ios下载, you can choose from a variety of 音乐 majors including an emphasis in 音乐 performance, 钢琴教学, 音乐教育K-12, 包括声乐和器乐演奏. C艺术hage students are actively involved in 音乐 making and learning through p艺术icipation in ensembles and workshops.

?Godspell? 2017 The 音乐al 剧院 program at C艺术hage offers a Bachelor of 音乐 in 音乐al 剧院 degree as well as a Master of 音乐 in 音乐剧院 Vocal Pedagogy. The 音乐al 剧院 curriculum at C艺术hage features comprehensive vocal training and 音乐ianship, 丰富的表演经验, and a variety of 跳舞 technique and choreography classes.

Darkroom 摄影, Fall 2019, Kristina Hull '23 The 摄影 major and minor provide a combination of 艺术历史 and studio practices concentrated in 摄影 that will assist students in their 艺术istic and professional development. 学生 may choose to pursue coursework that emphasizes the darkroom process, 数字化的过程, 或者两者的结合.

?玛丽·安托瓦内特? bv伟德ios下载提供戏剧专业, 戏剧表演, 技术方向, 戏剧服装设计, and theatrical stage management; and minors in 剧院 and 跳舞. C艺术hage 剧院 students can take courses in 剧院 history, 导演, 剧本创作, 跳舞, 场景设计, 服装设计, 光设计, 风景画, 等. Nationally recognized for excellence in 剧院, the C艺术hage 剧院 Dep艺术ment stages six to eight productions every year.


学生 share what they’ve gotten from their C艺术hage experience.

Visual and Performing 艺术s scholarships

C艺术hage awards scholarships ranging from $500 to $13,000 per year to admitted students who excel in visual and performing 艺术s. Scholarships are awarded through a competitive audition and/or portfolio review. Recipients are required to p艺术icipate in dep艺术ment activities through service and creative work. If you have an interest in the visual and performing 艺术s, take advantage of these scholarship opportunities by scheduling and completing an audition and/or a portfolio review by late February. (具体日期因节目而异.) If you are a freshman entering in the upcoming fall semester, online applications for these scholarships are available on each dep艺术ment’s web page. Join our mailing list to receive more information about C艺术hage’s competitive scholarships.

问题? 请与售票处联系 fine艺术s@c艺术hage.edu or 262-551-5859. Learn more and apply online for the following visual and performing 艺术s scholarships: animation, 艺术, 跳舞, 电影 & new media, graphic design, 音乐, 音乐al 剧院, 摄影, and 剧院. Learn about financial aid available for the Master of 音乐 program.


C艺术hage offers special visit days for students interested in studying visual and performing 艺术s. 参观日不仅仅是校园参观. These special visits are tailored to students’ specific interests.


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